A non-profit group called DigiSwasthya Foundation employs telemedicine systems to promote healthcare awareness in rural India.
Dr. Pallavi Roy, a co-founder of the DigiSwasthya Foundation, draws attention to the severe underfunding and ensuing neglect in our nation’s most rural districts’ PHCs. Additionally, Dr. Roy emphasized how a significant problem in and around Saint Kabir Nagar and the suburbs of Gorakhpur was the widespread absenteeism of the government doctors working in these PHCs. The complexity of the problem, she continued, goes beyond the doctors’ absence and also includes their avoidance of rural assignments.
This is where Dr. Roy shines a spotlight on DigiSwasthya. By connecting mainland urban doctors with patients from a rural backgrounds, DigiSwasthya serves as a bridge between rural and urban medical centers. Digi Swasthya not only helps the rural populace by bringing teleconsultation services, but it also brings on-base metropolitan doctors and specialists who want to help the rural background but cannot do so from their offices in the busy city areas.